Us waiting for our food, we got try escargot again and had some amazing food!
Every night the waiters and wait staff got together and sang to us or did dances...sometimes it was hilarious, other times, it was sweet.
At a certain part on the top deck, it was super windy and cold. Overall, the weather was quite warm and enjoyable! Plenty of time to lay out too!
The view of Puerta Vallarta. Funny story, we actually got stuck in Puerta Vallarta for an extra day because the captain was backing in the boat to dock it and hit a pier! The pier (made of concrete) was smashed in and broken and hole was put in the boat. So, we didn't get to go to Mazatlan because we had stay in Puerta Vallarta to get the ship "sea worthy" again.
In Puerta Vallarta we were on a speedboat and got to see this! They said it was a baby humpback whale but we were so excited because they had said that we may be able to see one and we did!
In Puerta Vallarta, we did a extreme canopy excursion. Unfortanately, we weren't allowed to bring cameras because, of course, they want you to buy their pics, so we don't have any pics. But it was the ziplining through the jungle. First, we road mules up to the drop off place and then took about 9 different zipling cables through the jungle. We also went repeling down a cold, but pretty waterfall. It was awesome.
Because we did the Carnival cruise, they are known for the towel animals that are left in your rooms. This was our favorite!
Finally headed to Cabo!!
Just the 4 of us.
Cabo San Lucas
In Cabo, we hopped on a motorboat that took us to Santa Maria Bay and Chileno Bay. While there, we went snorkeling and saw some amazing fish! We had only been snorkeling in Hawaii but Chileno Bay was awesome! The fish swim right up to kind of made me a little nervous!
We were pretty depressed when it was time to head back home...we decided that cruises are the way to go! They clean your room twice a day, everything is practically free (well, you pay for the cruise so you don't have to worry bout expenses on the ship), buffets, room service, all you can eat sushi, sun, visiting different ports rather than being stuck in one place, dancing, comedians, shows, movie screens, pools, hot tubs! Anyone want to go next year?
After we ported in Long Beach, Dallin came up to get us as he was babysitting our car for the week rather than us paying to park it at the port. So, we drove up to spend a week in Sacramento with my family. We stayed in Utah last year so I was excited to be with my family while Meg, Mike and their kids were there too. I don't have any pics except for one but it was nice to be home and my mom always goes out of her way to make it a pleasant experience for us. She and Don took us 4 wheeling and shooting and that was all fun and games until I swerved trying to avoid a muddy water puddle and threw myself off the 4 wheeler before it rolled. Oh...good times. We also saw Avatar (great movie).
Me, Dan, Austin, Landon, my Daddy and Dallin all at a Christmas pageant/rock concert/sermon at a Christian church. It was very interesting. Certainly no one would fall asleep at church if we
had drums and electric guitars!
And lastly, we celebrated our 4 year anniversary on the 29th. Althought we got home at 2am from Cali the night before, and Dan had to work all day, he still managed to bring me home some beautiful roses! Happy Anniversary, Baby!
So, that's been the last 3 weeks. School starts on Monday and with us both working full time and taking classes, our lives will resume as normal now....unfortunately! So, if you don't hear from us in a while...that's why! Also, I am reminded why I have a hard time takes so long!
Oh...and Happy New Year!!!