Yeah! I'll tell you how to do it at work tomorrow so I can chat with you and tell you. It's really easy once you get the hang of it. It took me forever to figure out how to do stuff with my blog.
Dan...Thanks for adding me as a friend on your new blog loser!! Not that you are really a loser, but are you a winner is the question..either way..We had fun hanging out the other night with you and your wife. You make great chicken balls!(he would not give me the receipe) Later
Yeah! I'll tell you how to do it at work tomorrow so I can chat with you and tell you. It's really easy once you get the hang of it. It took me forever to figure out how to do stuff with my blog.
I'm so happy you finally have a blog! Now I can stalk you! :-) And, I want to see lots of Twister pics!
Dan...Thanks for adding me as a friend on your new blog loser!! Not that you are really a loser, but are you a winner is the question..either way..We had fun hanging out the other night with you and your wife. You make great chicken balls!(he would not give me the receipe) Later
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